Gotham in the Media

The media likes to keep tabs on us.

Zee TV Middle East interviews Gotham President Alexander Steele at the Emirates Festival of Literature.

WNYC radio (All of It with Alison Stewart) does a segment on memoir that features Gotham and our teacher Cullen Thomas.

The Wall Street Journal reports on our boom during the Coronavirus pandemic, and they recommend us as a gift idea during holiday time. And Men’s Journal recommends us an alternative to the typical streaming entertainment.

The Writer magazine features the first ever Gotham Writers Conference.

The New York Times gives a plug to our book Writing Fiction, a shout-out to our Memoir courses, a nod in a review of Bruce Springsteen’s memoir, and a mention of our offerings during the pandemic.

CBS News New York cites us as a “best class” for creative types.

The TV show (Impractical) Jokers has some fun with Gotham (Season 16, episode 4, last 10 minutes).

The New York Daily News couldn't resist a profile on George Saltz, a Gotham student who began his career in stand-up comedy at the youthful age of 79.

The New York Post calls out Gotham as a place to learn how to publish a book.

Among the suggestions in a Forbes magazine article about escaping a job you hate: take a class with Gotham.

The NBC News in NYC occasionally sends us young writers to work with our teachers. Here’s Yasheema.

Gotham's 91-Word Memoir Contest captured the attention of that big-time blog The Dish.

The Irish Times presents Gotham classes as a good alternative to a master's degree in creative writing.

U.S. News & World Report talks about the value of a creative writing education, including Gotham classes.

Fast Company recommends Gotham for job-boosting skills.

W42 does a nice profile on us.