We asked to hear about your travel adventures, but in a unique way.
Picture a memorable moment from a travel experience. (You can even make one up.) Now, visualize this moment as a photograph. Then…give us the caption for that photograph in 15 words or fewer.
It’s about capturing the moment in the caption so that we can see the photograph in our mind’s eye.
Whoever writes the best caption will win a free Gotham class of his or her choosing.
Here we present the winner and five finalists:
Millions of hollowed empty eyes watched silently in the dark. So quiet underneath Paris.
Blake Prosser
Armidale, Australia
Gladiators created the greatest spectacle in history. I did too, falling down the Colosseum stairs.
Alexandra Cerone
Ronkonkoma, New York
Colorful diamonds flood the sky above shadowy silhouettes of the city; kite season in Islamabad!
Sally Bosson
Aali, Bahrain
Cows strolling in the busy pavements with their human mates—made in India.
Diwa Shah
Durham, Great Britain
On a Cancun beach blanket, I joked with ladies painting one another's toenails peach.
Stanley Greenberg
Bronx, New York
Chad and Steve trying to pry Greg's foot out of the giant clam. Good times!
Jon Spencer
Toronto, Ontario