Laura Yeager

Laura Yeager

Laura Yeager is the author of the short story collection First Aid and Other Stories (Iowa State) and the essay chapbook Cancer Loot (excerpted by Cancer Wellness). Her fiction has  appeared in Paris Review, Missouri Review, North American Review, and Kaleidoscope; her personal essays have appeared at Aleteia, Skirt magazine, Dogster, the National Catholic Reporter, Guideposts, and bp Magazine; and her craft essays have appeared in Funds for Writers, WOW—Women on Writing, and Writers Weekly. She blogs for Cure Today and PsychCentral. She has taught at Kent State University, Kirkwood Community College, and Rhode Island School of Design. She holds a BA from Oberlin College, an MA in English from Iowa State University, and an MFA in English from the University of Iowa.

Teacher Profile

Laura Yeager

Teacher Articles

A Writer's Friends

Learning to Wait

What Fiction Readers Want