Agent Evaluation Quickie

Agent Evaluation Quickie

A top literary agent evaluates the first 15 pages of a completed book manuscript to assess its marketability. You’ll receive honest but supportive advice on your project’s viability in the publishing marketplace. Even if you don't have 15 pages, or aren't sure what you have, send 15 pages of something and we'll connect you with an agent who can discuss.

To begin, you fill out the form at the bottom of the page, attaching a query letter (if you have one) for your book and up to 15 pages.

We will review your first fifteen pages and query letter, connect you with your agent-evaluator, and you two will work out a time to meet for 15 minutes, during which time the agent will give you their thoughts about your work’s viability based on the first fifteen pages of your manuscript.

This is not an editing service nor a way to solicit an agent, but rather a means for getting professional advice.

The cost is $120.

Please note that the agent will not be offering feedback on your query. We ask for your query to make sure you're matched with the right agent.

If you’re looking for a full manuscript evaluation from an agent or editor, try Agent/Editor Evaluation.

If you’re looking for a deep dive into story edits, try Book Doctoring.

If you’re looking for copy-editing, try Proofreading.

If you’re looking for feedback on your query, try Query Letter Coaching.

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